So, after maaaaaany a trip to NC, I finally got an apartment. Moving my stuff in Dec 18th. It's a big open place in downtown Raleigh, in a really old house, 2nd and 3rd floor (the top floor is the loft bedroom) It's a lease takeover so I am gonna have to go down and clean really well and paint before I move in. I've decided on a color scheme for the livingroom as kind of a tangerine and turquoise (sounds horrid but it'll be nice) and the kitchen needs some help as you can see so I'll prob paint that too...

The dilemma I'm facing right now is what to do with this room, it's adjacent to the livingroom, supposed to be a bedroom I'm going to use it as a craft/art room (probably put a futon or something in there for guests). It has this dull blue floor, and the lady said I could paint it, I just have no idea what color... I thought of black but that might look too modern for the room. Any ideas anyone? Help pleeeeeeeeeease! Thanks : )
WHAT???? you're leaving virginia??!!??? noooooooo! (ok when?)
Moving December 19th. Don't worry I'll prob be in nova, norfolk, and richmond quite a bit ;)
Why don't you just cover it in cotton balls? I know that is your favorite mental picture...
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