...of the
It's Only Life broadcasting system (ok that was lame) for reals though, leave me a comment if you read this loser-blog. But actually do. It takes two seconds. Just wanna know if I'm keeping up with it for my own sheer enjoyment... (plus bia + kendrall's haha ;)
i do everyday almost
we lurkin.
Your blog feeds into my massive internet machine known as Google Reader, which enables me to waste unparalleled amounts of time.
Thank you for your contribution.
you should do this for you and not worry about others, but know that i be up in its guts all the time.
I'm reading! Google Reader hooks it up!! Your adventures are entertaining
haha well ok i'll explain, both of my sisters have friends they told me check my blog a lot. Obviously these people must be REALLY bored haha but you see this raises the stakes for me. If peopele are in dire need of entertainment, i mean, I'm gonna need to step it up. But really, i obvy do it for my own enjoyment haha. Who else is gonna want to see a bajillion pics of Calvy?
we love a bajillion calvy pics :)
hahah i love calvy pics!!!
Yeah girl.
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