Stephen H: anyway, back to my geesers, proposals, and hipster pbj
Julia G: haha
Stephen H: why are pbj's hipster food now?
Julia G: why is EVERYTHING hipster
Stephen H: first it was PBR, now pbjs
Stephen H: Meri and I crack up ever time we go to Norfolk now cause of all the damn hipsters...skinny, white, glasses, "working man" clothes, scruffy faces, serious expressions, hahahahahah
Julia G: yep
Julia G: they're taking over the world… annoying
Stephen H: we always spoil the hipster coolness ratio anywhere we go
Stephen H: but...
Stephen H: you ARE one of them, aren't you?
Julia G: !
Julia G: no way man I was cool before “hipsters” were even born
Julia G: hahah
Julia G: i'm not really one though, no
Stephen H: lol
Stephen H: I know
Stephen H: you just date them
Stephen H: HAHAHA
Julia G: …
Stephen H: either hipsters or Bret Michaels wannabes, right, per your mom?
Julia G: omg
Julia G: exactly.
Stephen H: yeah, don't you have some high schools to comb for dates or something, why are you talking to me?
Julia G: omGEE he's 25!!!
Stephen H: haha, Meri showed me that pic a few weeks ago...so PBR, American Heritage (?) smokes, ugly/rad shades, but what is the chain? just a funky bike chain for you biking hipsters?
Julia G: american spirit… fixie chain…
Stephen H: I seriously hate cool ppl
Stephen H: always have
Julia G: hahah
Stephen H: i hate nerds now too
Stephen H: since they are they new cool for the last 1-2 years
Julia G: i know right? You just can’t win…
Stephen H: so sick of ppl trying to play they're nerds because they like movies and video games
Stephen H: i'm just busy being the best Stephen Hatcher i can be
Stephen H: it ain't easy
Julia G: hahhahah
Julia G: doin great, Stephen.
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